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Death of a Master...

Local News

6.0605 ATC

It is with great regret, that the High Council has learned of Local Grand Master Soo Laa's death.

Although Master Laa leaves behind a great void in our daily life, she does not leave behind any heavy hearts, nor tears that we might find comfort in.

Soo Laa, a personal friend of the many, a beacon of hope, a person of light - is, no more.

• Soo Laa was the only Padawan of Former Grand Master Az'u Fir'al.

• Soo Laa was the second person to hold the title of Grand Master of Yavin Four.

• Soo Laa trained the most Jedi in the Yavin Four Academy - a total of nine.

• Soo Laa was a keeper of "The Crystal of Ashla."

Soo Laa's former Padawan, Kinaya Jikiiti will be taking over after her.

- The Jedi High Council.

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