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The Academy Vault
The Laa Heirloom
The Crystal of Munori
The Academy Hangar
Jedi Cruiser Serenity
The Dac Runners
The Resolute Vow
The Promise of Hope
The Defenders
The Guardian Eagle
Jedi Starfighters
The Holocron Vault
The Holocron of
Master Ooroo
The Ancient Holocron
The Holocron of
Evil Origins
The Holocron of
Master Mical
The Holocron of
Master Az'u Fir'al
The Holocron of
Master Yadru
The Holocron of
Master Ryy Laa
The Dark Holocron
The Holocron of
Master Dorak
The Masters Holocron
The Holocron of
Master Soo Laa
The Holocron of
Darth Mekhis
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