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Skylah Arryn

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Branch: Jedi Sentinel

Primary Path: Jedi Watchman
Secondary Path: Combat Instructor

Master(s): Etri
Padawan Learner(s): Soma Cross
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant

Age: 42

Skin Color: Fair
Eye Color: Cerulean
Hair Color: Burgundy


Skylah hails from the bustling world of Coruscant. Though her background is diverse and much about her past remains unknown, she is driven by a thirst for adventure. Brash and hot-headed at times, she always puts others before herself.

It has taken years of learning and self-reflection for Skylah to come to terms with her past mistakes. Determined to better herself through the ways of the Jedi, she now seeks to train the next generation, shaping them into strong and capable warriors of the Order.

She currently resides away from Tython, where she once trained, having returned to an academy where she now holds a seat on the Council.


Early Years

Skylah grew up in a small family with two brothers, primarily raised by her mother. She later learned that her father was a Jedi who had left the family behind. Her mother, a member of the Galactic Senate, provided them with a privileged upbringing, but Skylah often found herself at odds with her brothers, who frequently pushed her aside.

One fateful day at school, she got into an altercation with other students who had been bullying her. Unaware of her latent abilities, she unleashed a powerful Force push, sending them hurtling backward and injuring them. Alarmed, her mother discreetly withdrew her from school, choosing to homeschool her instead. Fearing the disgrace of having a Force-sensitive daughter, she kept Skylah's abilities a secret. Unlike Skylah, her brothers displayed no signs of Force sensitivity, further fueling her mother’s unease.

At 17, Skylah was assigned to work as her mother’s secretary, handling guests and scheduling meetings. One evening, two hooded figures approached her desk, their faces concealed. Though wary, she allowed them entry after they requested an audience with her mother. As they signed in, she noticed their lightsabers—a weapon carried only by Jedi. After what felt like hours, the mysterious figures exited, and one turned to Skylah, saying, “We will watch you.” Bewildered, she watched them leave as her mother abruptly dismissed her for the night, instructing her to head home and wait there.

On her way home, she stopped at a local cantina below the Senate Tower for a drink. As she sipped her Fizzpop, a group of armed men entered, their blasters in plain sight. Keeping her head down, she tried to ignore them until one approached her, demanding her credits. When she refused, he grabbed her arm and drew his blaster. Instinctively, she ducked with unnatural speed, but before she could react further, a blue flash sliced through the air—the attacker’s arm was severed, landing on the bar. One of the hooded figures from earlier stood beside her, lightsaber drawn.

“Jedi business,” he declared, urging the onlookers to return to their drinks. He then turned to Skylah, stating that he had sensed her immense potential in the Force, even greater than that of most Jedi. He revealed that her mother had already agreed to let the Jedi train her. With little time to process the events, Skylah was swiftly taken aboard a starship—her first ever—and whisked away to Tython to begin her training as a Jedi.

Formative Years

Skylah’s time as a Jedi initiate was challenging. She struggled with her connection to the Force, often facing ridicule from her peers. Some doubted her potential, believing she would never become a Jedi but rather serve them in a lesser capacity. However, where she lacked in Force mastery, she excelled in combat. She dedicated countless hours to perfecting her lightsaber skills, studying multiple forms with relentless determination.

Concerned about her unorthodox approach, the academy transferred her to another Jedi training facility, one known as Solaris. There, she met others who shared similar struggles, and through them, she learned patience, respect, and self-discipline. She forged deep friendships, and her combat skills continued to shine. Eventually, she caught the attention of Jedi Master Etri, who, after witnessing her prowess during a mission, chose her as a Padawan.

Under Master Etri’s guidance, Skylah honed her combat abilities, mastering all seven forms of lightsaber combat. Other Jedi Masters also contributed to her training, expanding her understanding of the Force. She became one of the most formidable warriors of her class. However, tension grew between her and her master, leading to frequent clashes.


Their final argument marked the breaking point. Though Skylah firmly believed she was right, she ultimately conceded. Seeking solace, she entrusted her lightsaber to Master Carsus, who buried it on a remote world. Disillusioned, she left the Solaris Academy to embark on a journey of self-reflection.

Later Years

Despite her internal struggles, Skylah never abandoned her path as a Jedi. She eventually returned to the Jedi Temple on Tython, taking on numerous missions across the galaxy. In time, she completed her trials and earned the rank of Jedi Knight. Devoting herself to aiding others, she became a mentor, helping younger Jedi refine their combat techniques and construct their lightsabers. Recognizing her exceptional skill, the Temple appointed her as an instructor in lightsaber combat and craftsmanship.

Years later, fate brought her back into contact with Master Carsus and his Padawan, Clane. They invited her to a newly established academy, where, given her experience and age, she was offered a seat on the Jedi Council. Embracing this new role, she sought to pass on her wisdom to the next generation.

Before fully assuming her position, Skylah journeyed to the remote world where her old lightsaber had been buried. She recovered it, but instead of wielding it once more, she removed the kyber crystal, choosing to forge new lightsabers that would symbolize her growth and her place on the Council.

Now, as a Jedi Master and Council member, Skylah continues to shape the future of the Jedi Order, ensuring that its teachings endure through the young Jedi under her guidance.

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