Veddi-Naz Khota
Branch: Jedi Sentinel
Primary Path: Head Temple Guard
Secondary Path: Weapons Master
Master(s): Carsus Hillbrand
Padawan Learner(s):
Species: Human
Homeworld: Rhen Var
Age: 31
Skin Color: Tan
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: Cobalt
"Ryy Laa... The famed Guardian of Dantooine. Have you come to meet your end?" - Darth Kabusha
Hailing from a rather diverse background, Ryy Laa is best known for her adventerous spirit and resilience. She embodies several traits such as bravery, intelligence and determination.
Often at times, this Jedi overcomes obstacles that are thrown her way in a rather witty way. Her love of jewelry sets her apart from most of her peers, a love often frowned upon.
She is currently the local grand master of the Dac Academy.
Early Years and Environment
Ryy Laa was born into the illustrious Laa family on Felucia, a planet renowned for its vibrant ecosystems and stunning bioluminescent flora. The sprawling jungles and towering plants of Felucia provided her with a unique and enchanting backdrop for her childhood. From a young age, Ryy was fascinated by the rich colors and intricate patterns of her surroundings, developing a keen appreciation for beauty and creativity.
Growing up among the lush landscapes of Felucia, Ryy was exposed to the teachings of the Jedi from her family. Her great-cousin Luaren Laa, a respected Jedi Consular, often took Ryy under her wing, imparting lessons about the Force and the responsibilities that came with being a Jedi. These teachings resonated deeply with Ryy, instilling in her a sense of duty to protect the natural world and its inhabitants.
Ryy’s affinity for jewelry began in her early years, nurtured by her family’s traditions and the beauty of Felucia. The Twi’lek culture placed great value on adornment, and Ryy was particularly inspired by the intricate jewelry worn by her family members. She would often spend hours observing her great-cousin Luaren and other relatives crafting their jewelry, using materials sourced from the jungles around them.
Ryy became enamored with the idea of creating her own pieces. With the help of Luaren, she learned to gather natural materials—such as luminescent plant fibers, shimmering shells, and polished stones—to craft beautiful adornments. Ryy would often decorate herself with her creations, delighting in the way they reflected the light of her vibrant home planet.
Ryy’s love for jewelry extended beyond aesthetics; she began to see it as a way to connect with the living Force. Each piece she created held meaning, reflecting her experiences and feelings. She often imbued her jewelry with her intentions, believing that the items would resonate with the energies of the galaxy. Ryy’s unique perspective on adornment set her apart from other younglings, as she sought to cultivate a deeper connection with the Force through her artistic expressions.
During her childhood, she also discovered that certain materials she used in her jewelry had inherent properties. For example, the luminescent plant fibers seemed to pulse with energy when she wore them, enhancing her sense of calm and clarity. This realization reinforced her belief that all living things, including the materials she used for her crafts, were interconnected and imbued with the Force.
Ryy’s childhood was not just about jewelry and lessons; it was also filled with playful adventures. She spent countless hours exploring the vibrant jungles of Felucia with her friends and family members, immersing herself in the wonders of nature. They climbed the towering trees, swung from vines, and splashed in the bioluminescent pools, marveling at the unique creatures that called the jungles home.
These experiences deepened Ryy’s connection to her environment, and she developed a sense of responsibility to protect the creatures and plants that thrived around her. The jungle became her playground and sanctuary, allowing her to cultivate her intuition and understanding of the Force.
As she grew older, Ryy began to formalize her training under her great-cousin Luaren and the guidance of other Jedi mentors. Her affinity for creativity and compassion became evident in her approach to her studies. She often found herself drawn to the arts of healing and nature, seeking ways to utilize her talents to help others.
Her love of jewelry persisted, and she began to incorporate her creations into her training. Ryy would often wear her pieces during meditation sessions, believing that the unique energies of each adornment enhanced her connection to the Force. This practice not only helped her deepen her understanding of the living Force but also provided her with a sense of identity and empowerment.
The lessons learned during her formative years instilled in her a deep appreciation for beauty, compassion for all living beings, and an unwavering commitment to protecting the natural world.
Master Elaki Kneev
Ryy Laa’s apprenticeship under Elaki Kneev was a formative period in her life, filled with challenges that tested her will, moments of introspection, and a deep bond that grew between master and student. Elaki—with his laid-back demeanor, love for food, and habit of napping in odd places—was an unusual mentor, but one perfectly suited to Ryy’s complex personality. Under his gentle guidance, Ryy learned to harness not only the Force but also her emotional turbulence, slowly transforming from a headstrong youngling into a disciplined Jedi Guardian.
When Ryy was first assigned to Elaki Kneev, she found his quirks bewildering. Ryy initially thought her master was too soft. His frequent snacking, indulgent attitude toward naps, and refusal to take things too seriously frustrated her. "The Force doesn’t wait for a full stomach," she once huffed when she found him curled under a table after their morning meditation.
But Elaki never pushed back against her impatience. Instead, he listened. Whenever her temper flared or she voiced frustration, Elaki would merely smile, nibble on a snack, and say, "We’ll get there when we get there, little one." At first, Ryy interpreted this as laziness, but in time, she came to understand that her master’s patience was a lesson in disguise. Elaki was teaching her that the Force could not be rushed—and neither could personal growth.
One of the most significant challenges Ryy faced as a Padawan was her struggle with emotions. Unlike some Jedi who were calm by nature, Ryy was filled with restless energy and often felt torn between her passion and her sense of duty.
Rather than suppress these aspects of her, Elaki encouraged Ryy to embrace them. He believed that authenticity, not denial, was the path to balance. "Your love for beautiful things doesn’t make you weak," he once told her. "It makes you see what others miss." In a rare serious moment, he explained to her that a Jedi’s strength lies in accepting their whole self—flaws and all—rather than pretending to be perfect.
This teaching shaped Ryy profoundly. Over time, she grew more comfortable with herself, realizing that her individuality was not a liability but a strength. She came to appreciate that her emotions, when understood and controlled, were powerful tools, not obstacles.
Though Elaki was not known for engaging in combat-heavy missions, he believed in teaching Ryy through real-world experiences. He often took her on diplomatic assignments, mediating disputes between settlers, traders, and local planetary governments. These missions taught Ryy the importance of diplomacy and, more importantly, patience.
On one occasion, Elaki and Ryy were dispatched to a frontier colony plagued by disputes between local farmers and a visiting trade guild. Ryy, eager to prove herself, wanted to confront the guild leader head-on. But Elaki took a different approach, inviting both parties to share a meal together. Over food and conversation, tensions gradually eased. The lesson was clear: conflicts can often be resolved without raising a lightsaber, and understanding others’ needs is just as important as protecting them.
A defining moment in Ryy’s training came when Elaki tasked her with obtaining a lightsaber crystal from the planet of Dantooine.
Elaki insisted that she attempt the mission without violence. Ryy, though skeptical, followed his instructions.
The Kinrath Crystal Mission
The sun hung low over the plains of Dantooine, casting long shadows across rolling fields of lavender and gold. Ryy Laa stood alone before the ruins of the ancient Jedi Enclave. Her aquamarine skin shimmered with sweat, the weight of doubt heavy on her heart. The Force had guided her here—to a forgotten cave, hidden beneath roots and stone—but she had found only silence.
She reached out again, closing her eyes and sinking into meditation, letting the Force flow through her. Frustration gnawed at her spirit. The war against the Sith Empire was raging beyond Dantooine’s pastoral fields, and she was stuck here, alone, without a weapon. As her doubts threatened to overwhelm her, the Force whispered—a faint pulse, like a heartbeat beneath stone. Ryy opened her eyes and followed the pull deeper into the cave.
Among its intriguing tunnels were the Kinrath, large arachnid-like creatures known for their aggressive behavior when threatened. However, their eggs were rumored to contain crystals that resonated with the Force, which were said to amplify a Jedi's abilities and connection to their emotions.
To obtain a crystal from a Kinrath egg, a Jedi needed to be skilled in Beast Control, a delicate Force ability that allowed one to communicate with and soothe animals, turning potential threats into allies. Ryy understood that her journey would demand not just skill but also deep empathy and respect for the Kinrath and their habitat.
Upon arriving at the Kinrath nesting grounds, Ryy observed the area from a distance, taking note of the Kinrath’s behavior and the various stages of their life cycle. She meditated for several days, centering herself and establishing a connection with the Force, seeking guidance on how to approach the creatures without fear or aggression.
Understanding that she needed to approach the Kinrath with respect and humility, Ryy practiced her Beast Control techniques daily. She sought out smaller creatures in the area to hone her skills, building her confidence in communicating with living beings.
As she gained a deeper understanding of the kinship between all creatures, she began to sense the presence of the Kinrath nearby. Ryy used her connection to the Force to reach out to them, focusing on their emotional states. The Kinrath were fierce protectors of their territory, but Ryy's compassion and gentle demeanor began to resonate with them, easing their defensiveness.
The day came when Ryy felt ready to approach a Kinrath nest. With her heart steady and her mind clear, she moved cautiously toward the shimmering eggs nestled among the underbrush. The Kinrath mother, a massive and intimidating figure, watched her closely, ready to defend her brood at any sign of danger.
In that moment, Ryy recalled her training and focused on projecting feelings of peace and safety. She used her powers to calm the mother Kinrath, soothing the creature with her thoughts and intentions. To her surprise, the Kinrath mother responded to Ryy’s gentle presence, relaxing and lowering her guard. Ryy knelt before the nest, respecting the sacred space, and began to sing softly—a melody she had learned from the ancient Jedi Archives on Yavin IV.
As she sang, Ryy felt the connection between herself and the Kinrath deepening. The mother Kinrath stepped closer, allowing Ryy access to the precious eggs. With her hands steady, she reached out, using the Force to guide her movements. She carefully selected an egg that felt warm and pulsed with energy.
Ryy understood that simply removing the egg was not enough; she needed to ensure that the Kinrath felt secure and unharmed. With gentle fingers, she cradled the egg and whispered words of reassurance, letting the Kinrath know that she meant no harm. She amplified her Beast Control, creating a bond of trust and understanding between them.
To extract the crystal within, Ryy focused her energy on the egg, allowing the Force to flow through her. As she tapped into the life energy within the egg, she felt the vibrations of the crystal responding to her touch. The connection she had built with the mother Kinrath and the living Force itself facilitated the extraction, causing the egg to crack open gently in her hands.
Finally, in the heart of the egg, Ryy found it: a magenta crystal, glowing with a soft, pulsating light appearing within the cracked kinrath egg. She reached out, and as her hand closed around the crystal, a vision struck her—images flashing through her mind like the strokes of a blade.
She saw destruction and disease, Dantooine fields withering under the grip of a plague. The Yavin IV Temple scorched, the villages of Felucia turned to rubble, as people cried out for help. She saw herself standing among them, her lightsaber ignited, defending those who could not defend themselves. But in the vision, she was not triumphant—her victories were fleeting, and the sickness remained. No sword could cut away a virus, and no amount of strength could heal the suffering she witnessed.
The vision faded, leaving Ryy breathless. The crystal pulsed warmly in her hand, as if recognizing her struggle. The Force was calling her to more than combat. She was not just meant to be a Guardian of bodies and borders—she had to protect lives at a deeper level, to defend hope even when her blade was useless. Ryy understood now: being a Jedi Guardian was about endurance, not just victory.
With renewed purpose and the magenta crystal safely in her possession, Ryy thanked the Kinrath mother for allowing her to take one of her eggs. She expressed her gratitude through the Force, hoping to leave a lasting bond between herself and the creatures of Dantooine. The mother Kinrath responded with a soft chitter, an acknowledgment of their shared connection, as Ryy turned to make her way back.
When she returned to Elaki, exhausted but victorious, her master smiled warmly. "See? All things come in time," he said, handing her a snack as if the entire ordeal had been just another day’s lesson.
Ryy forged her lightsaber, embedding the magenta crystal in the hilt. The magenta blade sprang to life, humming with strength and compassion intertwined. It was a symbol of balance, reflecting both the warrior she was and the healer she had yet to become.
The experiences she had encountered during her search for the crystal would guide her as a Jedi Guardian, reminding her always to approach the galaxy with empathy and an open heart.
Quiet Strength and Forging Her Identity
While Ryy learned much from her missions, it was the quiet moments between assignments that truly defined her time with Elaki. Their shared meals in the cantina—where Elaki would sneak her the best portions—and their long, meandering conversations about life, duty, and the Force became a foundation of Ryy’s growth.
Elaki never judged Ryy for her love of rings and jewelry. In fact, he often complimented her on her craftsmanship and encouraged her to express herself fully. When other Jedi criticized her for wearing jewelry, Elaki would chuckle and say, "Let them grumble. Your heart is lighter because you are who you are."
This acceptance gave Ryy the confidence to forge her own path within the Jedi Order. She began to view herself not as an imperfect Jedi, but as a complete one—flaws, passions, and all. It was during these formative years that she truly began to embrace her future as a Jedi Guardian, knowing that her role was to protect others not just with strength, but with compassion and authenticity.
Elaki and Ryy’s relationship evolved into something more profound than just that of master and apprentice. Elaki became a father figure to Ryy, someone who accepted her without question and offered her a sanctuary of understanding. Though he rarely gave direct instructions, his gentle wisdom always guided her in the right direction.
In turn, Ryy became deeply thankful of her master, grateful for the safe space he provided and the life lessons he imparted. She later admitted that without Elaki’s influence, she might have struggled far more with the emotional challenges that would arise in her life as a Guardian.
When Ryy finally completed her Jedi Trials and crafted her magenta lightsaber, it was a bittersweet moment. Elaki, lounging comfortably in the shade of the Academy’s courtyard, congratulated her with a twinkle in his eye. "I always knew you’d get there, little one," he said, passing her a piece of sweet fruit to celebrate the occasion.
Though their formal relationship as master and apprentice ended, Elaki’s influence would stay with Ryy throughout her life. Every time she wore her rings, every time she calmed a creature or avoided unnecessary violence, she remembered the lessons he taught her—not with force, but with kindness and patience.
The Outbreak and Desperation
Years later, Ryy Laa’s mettle would be tested beyond anything she could have imagined. She was stationed on Dantooine when a deadly virus swept across the Outer Rim, spreading through trade routes and refugee ships displaced by the Hutt Cartel.
Entire villages on Dantooine became infected within days, and neither the Jedi healers nor the Republic’s doctors could find a cure. The disease—later called the Vorridian Plague—was aggressive and resilient, resisting both medical treatment and the Jedi’s healing arts.
Ryy threw herself into the heart of the crisis, wielding her lightsaber where she could to protect the infected from scavengers and bandits, but feeling more helpless with every passing day. Her magenta blade could not heal the sick. She watched friends die, children she had saved from battle succumb to the disease, and even other Jedi fall to despair.
Haunted by the memory of her vision in the cave, Ryy refused to give in to hopelessness. She searched tirelessly for any way to combat the virus—studying ancient healing techniques, consulting the few Jedi mystics who still roamed the Outer Rim, and working alongside Republic scientists. Weeks became months, and Ryy began to wither under the strain, but she refused to leave Dantooine’s people behind.
The Invasion and Survival in the Shadows
As if the plague wasn’t enough, the Sith Empire descended upon the galaxy, bringing new chaos. Dantooine was isolated, cut off from the Republic as Imperial warships patrolled the skies and forced the planet into submission. With the Jedi Order shattered and Republic forces scattered, Ryy had no backup—only her lightsaber, the infected villages, and a dwindling hope that a cure would be found.
During these dark years, Ryy became a guardian in more than just name. She organized underground networks of refugees and healers, moving quietly beneath Imperial occupation. Her magenta blade, rarely seen but never far, became a symbol among the locals—a flicker of light in the dark. Tales spread of a blue-skinned Twi’lek Jedi who defended the weak, not with brute force, but with kindness and strategy. Ryy fought only when necessary, knowing that every life she took brought the galaxy closer to despair.
Even when resources ran dry and the Vorridian Plague seemed unstoppable, Ryy endured. She taught the survivors to tend to one another, using what little they had to create herbal remedies and stave off symptoms. Though she could not cure the plague, she gave the people something just as vital—hope.
Infiltration of the Pyke Syndicate
In a daring operation aimed at disrupting the Pyke Syndicate's spice trade, Ryy was sent on a mission to infiltrate their ranks. The Pykes were known for their ruthless control over spice production and trafficking, which had devastating effects on various planets, including Felucia.
Ryy adopted a new identity, using her skills in disguise and subterfuge to blend in with the syndicate’s operatives. She gained the trust of key members by demonstrating her expertise in negotiation and resource management. As she gathered intelligence, she discovered the locations of several spice production facilities and shipping routes.
Ryy coordinated with a team of Jedi and local law enforcement to launch a surprise raid on the main facility, effectively dismantling the Pykes’ operations in the sector. The mission was a success, with Ryy’s quick thinking and resourcefulness playing a crucial role in the operation's success. The disruption of the spice trade led to a significant decline in drug-related crime in the surrounding systems.
The Destruction of the Yavin IV Academy and the founding of the Academy on Dac
Ryy’s path took a tragic turn with the destruction of the Yavin IV Academy during the Zakuul invasion. This event left a profound impact on her and many of her fellow Jedi. The loss of such a significant center of learning and a home for countless Jedi was a devastating blow. Many fled, seeking refuge across the galaxy, while others succumbed to despair.
However, rather than give in to hopelessness, Ryy was inspired to take action. She believed that the Jedi must continue to thrive and adapt, no matter the challenges they faced. Fueled by this conviction, she set out to establish a new Jedi Academy on the planet Dac, an oceanic world known for its vast ecosystems and peaceful atmosphere.
Ryy Laa founded the Jedi Academy on Dac with the intention of creating a haven for Jedi who had survived the turmoil. Her academy was built not just on the teachings of the Jedi, but also on the philosophy of resilience and innovation. She encouraged her students to think critically, embrace their individuality, and find their unique paths within the Force.
Under Ryy’s leadership, the academy flourished, attracting many Jedi seeking a new home and purpose. She trained a diverse group of students, imparting her knowledge of the Force, lightsaber combat, and the importance of compassion and understanding. Ryy’s unconventional methods included using the natural surroundings of Dac in her training, allowing her students to connect with the living Force in ways that traditional teachings did not emphasize.
Retrieval of the Living Saber from Yavin IV Academy
After the destruction of the Yavin IV Academy, rumors circulated that the Living Saber, a legendary heirloom of the Laa family, was trapped within the collapsed structure.
Determined to retrieve the saber, Ryy led a mission to the ruins of the Academy. The team faced numerous obstacles, including unstable debris, aggressive wildlife, and the remnants of dark side energy that lingered in the area.
They discovered hidden chambers that revealed the Academy’s history and its significance to the Jedi Order.
Finally, after a harrowing encounter with ancient droid guardians of the temple, Ryy located the Living Saber.
With the saber in hand, Ryy felt a surge of connection to her family’s legacy, and she vowed to honor the teachings of those who came before her as she returned home.
The Third Battle over Taris
During a galactic conflict involving various factions, Ryy was appointed as a commander in a large-scale spaceship battle against the forces of the Empire. Her strategic prowess and ability to remain calm under pressure made her an ideal leader in the midst of chaos.
Leading a fleet of Jedi starships, Ryy coordinated attacks, evaded enemy fire, and ensured the safety of her fellow Jedi. Utilizing her instincts and knowledge of space combat, she devised strategies that outmaneuvered the Imperial forces.
The battle raged on for hours, but under Ryy’s leadership the tide ultimately turned in favor of the Jedi and their allies. The victory not only safeguarded multiple star systems but also solidified Ryy’s reputation as a formidable commander among the Jedi ranks.
Protecting the Queen of Toydaria
On a diplomatic mission to the distant planet of Toydaria, Ryy was assigned to protect the young queen who was seeking to negotiate peace among warring factions. Understanding the delicate nature of the mission, Ryy approached it with a blend of diplomacy and vigilance.
During the negotiations, hostile factions attempted to sabotage the peace talks, launching an ambush that threatened the queen's life.
With her quick thinking, Ryy guided the queen and her entourage to safety, creating a barrier around them to deflect incoming fire. Her bravery and dedication were pivotal in safeguarding the queen and ultimately securing a fragile peace between the rival factions. The mission concluded successfully, and the queen expressed her gratitude, recognizing Ryy as not only a protector but also a diplomat who believed in the power of unity.
Legacy and Impact
Ryy Laa’s influence on the Jedi Order was profound. She not only revived the spirit of the Jedi following the devastation of Yavin IV but also instilled a sense of unity and purpose among her students. Her magenta lightsaber became a symbol of her legacy, representing individuality and strength in the face of adversity.
Her rings, often seen as mere adornments by others, became emblematic of her connection to the Force and her commitment to protecting those around her.
Ryy taught her students that being a Jedi was not about conformity, but about embracing who you are and using your gifts to make a difference in the galaxy.
After Ryy was known as the famed Guardian of Dantooine and the founder of the Dac Academy, she would reflect often on her time with Elaki Kneev. In her heart, she knew that the strength she carried forward was born from the quiet wisdom of an Ortolan who taught her that being true to oneself is the greatest victory of all.