The Galaxy

Destroyed / Disbanded:
4984 BBY
Less than 1.000
Corellia’s sworn protectors, the Green Jedi, comprise an elite and reclusive group with only loose ties to the main Jedi Order. Green Jedi place their allegiance to Corellia above the Republic, refusing to be drawn away from their homeworld and wearing green robes to symbolize their devotion to the ancient Corellian flag.
For this reason, the Jedi Council considers the group unreliable and potentially suspect. Regardless, the Green Jedi are a formidable foe to the Empire.Although few in number, the Green Jedi are working closely with their planet’s CorSec defenders to disrupt Imperial war efforts.
Led by Master Arfan Ramos, these warriors operate within a nigh-impenetrable enclave that has already survived multiple Imperial attacks. Some speculate that without the Green Jedi, Corellia would have fallen already.
The Green Jedi Enclave has been the Empire’s top target since invading Corellia, but initial attempts to destroy it failed utterly. The enclave’s inhabitants appear to have learned from what happened to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and taken steps to avoid a similar fate.Powerful shields fueled by internal reactors protected the structure from the first assault, giving the Jedi time to erect offensive cannons.
An Imperial warship sent to attack the structure was shot to pieces over the sector, and although a large chunk of the vessel crashed into the enclave, it did not inflict heavy casualties or substantially weaken the structure. The Green Jedi Enclave remains a dark blot on the Empire’s otherwise nearly flawless invasion.