The Galaxy

363 BTC
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303 BTC
Grand Master:
Local Council:
Battle Master:
Sage Master:
Lead Historian:
Temple Ambassador:
Master Healer:
Master Artisan:
Master Watchman:
Vandar Tokare
Vrook Lamar
Zhar Lestin
Vandar Tokare
Aleco Stusea
Vrook Lamar
Zhar Lestin
Bala Nisi
Some of history's most powerful Force-users trained in the halls of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Only students with great potential were admitted, and while the rigorous training produced exceptional Jedi, the fall of several notable students to the dark side cast a pall on the institution's legacy.
Exar Kun, Darth Revan, and Darth Malak all trained at the enclave on Dantooine. The enclave was established by Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Dantooine's isolation and relative obscurity, along with the naturally-occurring crystal caverns that dotted the planet, made it an excellent site. Years later, during the Jedi Civil War, the enclave was razed in an attack orchestrated by its own former student, Darth Malak.
For many years and despite early efforts at rebuilding, the enclave has been abandoned by the Jedi and ransacked by sanctioned salvaging initiatives operated by Dantooine's governing body. With the Order re-forming and Dantooine becoming a strategically important planet in the war, perhaps one day the enclave will be restored to its former glory.