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Arean Avasarala

Arean Avasarala
Branch: Jedi Consular

Master(s): Jaipur Meeruti
Species: Sephi
Homeworld: Isobe

Age: 23 

Skin Color: Fair
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Hair Color
: Blonde


Born into a noble Sephi family, Arean Avasarala was raised alongside his twin sister Alaya in an environment rich with culture and wisdom. When the Jedi Order discovered their latent Force sensitivity, they were taken to Yavin IV for training, where they became the Padawan learners of Jaipur Meeruti. Their master was a Jedi Knight known for his philosophical nature, deep connection to history, and balanced approach to the Force.

From the beginning, Arean’s path diverged from that of most Jedi. Where others sought battle and conquest, he sought understanding and insight. While he trained diligently in the ways of the Jedi, he often questioned their methods, particularly the Order’s growing tendency toward militarization and intervention. He was drawn to the Force not as a tool, but as a mystery—one that could never be fully mastered, only understood.

His bond with Alaya was profound, as they balanced each other’s strengths and weaknesses. While Alaya was instinctive and decisive, Arean was contemplative and methodical. Together, they were an unstoppable team, but as time passed, Arean felt the pull of a different destiny.

When the Jedi Order transitioned from Yavin IV to Dac, both Arean and Alaya made the fateful decision not to follow. Instead, they remained with their Master Jaipur Meeruti, who believed that their journey was better suited elsewhere. The three traveled to Ossus, the legendary world of Jedi knowledge, where Arean found himself drawn even deeper into lost histories, forgotten teachings, and ancient understandings of the Force.

It was here that Arean truly thrived—not as a warrior, but as a seeker of knowledge, a Jedi who believed that true power lay in wisdom rather than battle. He began studying the texts of the old Jedi philosophers, learning about Jedi who had walked the path of knowledge rather than war. Some whispered that he might one day become a Jedi Loremaster, an archivist of the deepest secrets of the Force.

Arean never abandoned the Jedi, but he also never saw himself as a soldier in their wars. Instead, he sought a higher calling, one that few had the patience or insight to follow. Alongside his sister and their master, he remained on Ossus, where he would forever be known as the Jedi who walked a quieter path, a path not of battle, but of wisdom.

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