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Arushi Juk

Arushi Juk
Branch: Jedi Guardian

Primary Path: Battlemaster
Secondary Path: Peacekeeper
Teritary Path: Watchman

Master(s): Mire Sats
Padawan Learner(s): Ma KiZakan Pa, Nyahnha Darashan, Oeo Rel Dam, Ereald Aguda
Species: Chevin
Homeworld: Vinsloth

Age: 345 ―  †

Skin Color: Grey
Eye Color: Pitch Black
Hair Color: Brown


"Master Arrrushi Juk was a verrry humble Jedi considerrring his species. Chevin's arrre a rrrace that live and brrreathe for slaverrry, it is a grrruesome rrrace. Masterrr Juk is a rrrare exception. He himself stood up against his own people and trrried to change theirrr ways, whilst being a young Jedi Knight. He did, infact, make the life betterrr forrr most of the slaves. I wonderrr what morrre he could have done, had he still lived..."

Vi Moa.


Arushi Juk was a Chevin Jedi Guardian of legendary strength, perseverance, and surprising humility. Known as the first Battlemaster of the Yavin IV Academy, Arushi was a warrior whose skills with a lightsaber were matched only by his unwavering compassion. 


His life was a testament to redemption—born into a society that practiced slavery, he rebelled against his own people and became a champion of freedom for the oppressed. Arushi’s journey from liberator to Jedi Guardian marked him as a beacon of hope, and his deep connection with the Force allowed him to train generations of Jedi warriors who would go on to defend peace throughout the galaxy.


Despite his formidable reputation, Arushi Juk was also known for his humility and humor. He found joy in simple tasks like sweeping the temple floors and was an exceptional chef, often cooking for the students and faculty at Yavin IV. His gruff exterior hid a kind soul, and those who trained under him came to revere not just his martial prowess but his gentle, grounding presence. Arushi’s life spanned three and a half centuries, and when he passed, he left behind a legacy of valor, mentorship, and quiet wisdom that would shape the Academy for generations


A Rebel Against His Own People

Arushi Juk’s early life was one of conflict and inner turmoil. Born on the Chevin homeworld of Vinsoth, he grew up within a culture steeped in the practice of alien slavery, with the Chevin ruling over oppressed populations. For many years, Arushi believed in the traditions of his people, but as he grew older, a deeper sense of justice began to stir within him. When he encountered a traveling Jedi Knight who had come to investigate the slavery on Vinsoth, Arushi was confronted with the reality of his people’s cruelty. 


The Jedi Knight offered him an alternative path, and Arushi’s awakening to the Force changed the course of his life.

Arushi turned against the Chevin elite and led a rebellion to free thousands of alien slaves. With the Jedi’s assistance, Arushi helped dismantle the Chevin’s hold over their victims and ushered in a fragile era of reform. However, this act of defiance made him an outcast from his people, forcing him to leave Vinsoth behind. The Jedi Order took him in, recognizing in him not only a powerful connection to the Force but also the heart of a guardian—a protector who would fight for those who could not defend themselves.


A Master of Combat and Heart

Arushi excelled in the way of the Guardian, dedicating himself to mastering the art of lightsaber combat. His massive frame, common among the Chevin, made him a formidable opponent on the battlefield, but it was his discipline and strategy that set him apart from other warriors. He specialized in Form V, Shien, which emphasized strength and counter-attacks, but he also incorporated techniques from other forms, making him a versatile duelist and teacher. As a Jedi, Arushi believed that combat was a last resort—but when the moment called for it, no enemy stood in his way.


When the Yavin IV Academy was established, Arushi Juk was appointed its first Battlemaster, responsible for training students in the art of combat. He worked tirelessly to ensure that young Jedi not only developed their martial skills but also learned to temper their strength with empathy and self-control. Among his students, he was known for being strict but fair, always willing to offer a kind word after a hard lesson.


Nagikonas Tar, Siiie, Kyo Laa, Tu Ku, and Ca-Dui Na—the “First Five” who were already masters in their own right when they reached the Yavin IV Academy—were all trained further in advanced combat under Arushi’s guidance. Though each of them excelled in different areas of the Force, Arushi ensured that they understood the importance of combat discipline. He taught them that the lightsaber was not a weapon of violence, but a tool of peace, and that the greatest victory came not from defeating an enemy but from preventing conflict altogether.


An Unexpected Chef and Humble Spirit

For all his strength and battle prowess, Arushi was a humble soul who preferred simplicity to grandeur. He found peace in menial tasks, often seen sweeping the temple floors at dawn, humming to himself as the students arrived for their morning lessons. While some Jedi might have seen such tasks as beneath them, Arushi believed that humility was the key to remaining grounded.


He also had a passion for cooking, a rare talent that brought joy to the residents of Yavin IV. He often prepared meals for the Academy, insisting that “a Jedi should nourish more than just the spirit.” His recipes became legendary, and students looked forward to the days when he would prepare a feast after a particularly grueling training session. His favorite dish was spiced root stew, which he claimed was inspired by the flavors of Vinsoth—though no one was ever quite sure if that was true.


Training Jedi Across Generations

Arushi’s role as Battlemaster meant that he countless students over his long life. His students remembered him not only for his lessons in combat but for the wisdom he imparted through everyday actions. He taught them to value perseverance over perfection and to accept failure as part of growth. Though he was a strict teacher, he was never unkind, and those who struggled under his tutelage often found that his lessons stayed with them long after they left his care.


Arushi’s influence extended far beyond the Academy’s training halls. He was often called upon to lead Jedi into battle, and his presence on the front lines was a source of inspiration to his allies. But even in times of war, Arushi remained committed to peace and diplomacy, preferring to find non-violent solutions whenever possible. His greatest victories were not in combat, but in the bonds he forged with others.


The Long Life of a Jedi Guardian

Arushi Juk lived to the remarkable age of 345 years, an unusually long life even for a Chevin. Throughout his years, he remained devoted to the ideals of the Jedi Order, never once wavering in his commitment to justice and peace. Though he participated in countless missions and trained generations of Jedi, Arushi never sought recognition or accolades. His joy came from seeing his students succeed, knowing that they would carry on the lessons he had taught them.


In his later years, Arushi began to step back from active duty, spending more time at the Academy. He continued to teach and train, but also found greater joy in simple pleasures—sweeping the temple floors, preparing meals for the students, and watching the jungle of Yavin IV grow and change around him. His presence became a quiet constant at the Academy, a reminder of the values that formed its foundation.


Arushi Juk’s Final Lesson

Arushi passed away peacefully at the age of 345, surrounded by his students and friends. His death was not marked by battle or tragedy, but by the quiet acceptance that his time had come. Before passing, he shared one final lesson with those gathered around him: “Strength is knowing how to fight. Wisdom is knowing when not to.”


His lightsaber and robes were placed in the temple archives, where they remain to this day—a symbol of humility, strength, and the enduring legacy of a Jedi Guardian. Though Arushi Juk is gone, his spirit lingers in the Academy he helped build, in the students he trained, and in the simple acts of kindness and humility that he embodied. Every sweep of a broom, every meal prepared with care, every lesson given with patience—these are the quiet echoes of the Battlemaster who sought not glory, but peace.


Arushi Juk’s life serves as a reminder that true strength lies not in power, but in humility. He may have been a warrior and a liberator, but in the end, it was his gentle heart and simple joys that defined his legacy. "The greatest victories...", as he often said, "...are the ones no one sees."

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