Catrian Kell

Branch: Jedi Consular
Master(s): Ael'ethos Lunargenta
Species: Zabrak
Homeworld: Dantooine
Age: 28
Skin Color: Pale
Eye Color: Deep Blue
Hair Color: Auburn
Born in the rolling grasslands of Dantooine, Catrian was raised in a life of quiet hardship. Her family owned a modest farm, enough to provide for their survival but little more. After her father deserted the Imperial Navy, they had no choice but to live in constant fear—hiding not only from the Sith Empire but also from the Republic, as neither side took kindly to deserters. Isolated from the galaxy’s conflicts but never truly safe from them, they eked out an existence far from the turmoil of war.
Catrian was not an only child—she had an older brother, and though life on the farm was hard, it was he who made it bearable. They spent their days exploring the vast plains and scattered forests of Dantooine, chasing wild kath hounds and racing through the endless fields. He was more than just a sibling; he was her protector, her best friend. She never feared the shadow of war while he was near. Yet, such peaceful days were not destined to last.
It was only a matter of time before the Sith Empire expanded its reach. When their scouts combed the countryside, they eventually found the Kell family's hidden farm. The attack came at dawn. Imperial troops descended upon them, their ranks led by a towering Sith Lord cloaked in dread and authority.
For those attuned to the Force, proximity breeds recognition. The moment the Sith Lord laid eyes on Catrian and her brother, he knew. The Force was strong in both of them. But there was another problem: their father. When the Imperials checked his identity, the truth was undeniable—he was a deserter. And the punishment for desertion had always been the same: death.
Without hesitation, the Sith Lord ordered his execution, and that of his wife as well. They were beyond redemption in the eyes of the Empire. Yet, an exception was made for Catrian and her brother. The Sith Lord saw potential in them, and so, bound and grieving, they were taken toward the waiting shuttle, stolen from the only home they had ever known.
But fate had other plans. Just as they were being transported away, the Republic launched an assault on the Sith encampment. Blaster fire filled the air, explosions rippling through the ground. In the chaos, Catrian found an opening—a desperate chance to escape. She ran. She ran faster than she had ever run before, her brother's voice lost amidst the cacophony of battle. She did not turn back, even as hot tears streamed down her face.
Blindly, she stumbled into the dense forest, her breath ragged, her body trembling. Then, through her blurred vision, she saw a figure. A young woman. Togruta. Cloaked in Jedi robes, a lightsaber glowing in her grasp.
She was a Jedi.
And in that moment, Catrian’s fate was forever changed.