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Branch: Jedi Consular
Species: Wookiee
Homeworld: Kashyyyk

Age: 13

Eye Color: Hazel
Fur Color:


A Youngling Among Giants

Gaarevge was barely more than a cub when he was discovered by the Jedi Order—a rare case of a Wookiee being identified as Force-sensitive at such a young age. Found on Kashyyyk, his natural instincts and resilience made him a promising candidate for Jedi training. However, his age posed unique challenges. While Wookiees mature differently than most species, he was still very much a child when he arrived at Yavin IV, standing among initiates who were years ahead of him in both discipline and training.

Unlike most Wookiee Jedi, who traditionally began their training as young adults, Gaarevge was thrust into a world of lightsabers, meditation, and philosophy at an age when most of his kind were still learning to climb the towering wroshyr trees of their homeworld. Despite this, he adapted quickly, displaying an unshakable curiosity and an eagerness to prove himself.

His fellow initiates often called him "the Wookiee rookie," a nickname that stuck—not out of mockery, but as a term of endearment. He was smaller than the few Wookiee Jedi who had come before him, but his heart was as big as any warrior's.

Finding His Path

Gaarevge’s training on Yavin IV was as much about physical endurance as it was about learning to center himself. Wookiees were known for their immense strength, and channeling that power through the refined discipline of the Jedi was no easy feat. His first attempts at lightsaber combat were clumsy—his strikes carried too much force, often overwhelming training droids with sheer brute strength rather than precision.

It was through the guidance of his instructors that he began to understand the balance required of a Jedi. Strength alone was not enough; wisdom, patience, and control were just as vital. Over time, Gaarevge refined his skills, learning to temper his raw power with the teachings of the Sentinels and Guardians alike. Though he had yet to be chosen as a Padawan, he was on a promising path, admired by his fellow initiates for his determination and resilience.

His connection to the Force was strong, particularly in sensing life around him. This made him an exceptional tracker and survivalist—something that would later save his life.

The Fall of Yavin IV

When the Eternal Empire of Zakuul invaded, Gaarevge was still an initiate, not yet ready to face a true battlefield. But war does not wait for readiness. The skies above Yavin IV burned as the Eternal Fleet descended upon the temple, and the Jedi, caught unprepared, were forced into a desperate struggle for survival.

Gaarevge fought as best he could, but he was not a warrior—not yet. His mentors, knowing that the temple was lost, made the difficult decision to flee rather than fall. Alongside a group of survivors, he escaped into the dense jungles of Yavin IV, using his tracking skills to navigate the treacherous terrain and evade enemy patrols. For days, they moved in silence, the weight of their defeat heavy on their shoulders.

Eventually, they reached a hidden evacuation point where Jedi ships awaited, ready to take them to safety. Many fled to different worlds, scattering across the galaxy to avoid Zakuul’s wrath. Gaarevge, however, followed a contingent of Jedi who sought refuge on Ossus, an ancient world steeped in Jedi history.

A Jedi of Ossus

Ossus became Gaarevge’s new home. While other Jedi scattered, went into hiding, or sought new means of fighting back against Zakuul, Gaarevge remained steadfast in his training. The fall of Yavin IV had shaken him, but it had not broken him. If anything, it strengthened his resolve.


Now, years later, Gaarevge has grown into a formidable Jedi, one of the few remaining survivors of the Yavin IV Academy. He still resides on Ossus, dedicating himself to preserving Jedi knowledge and ensuring that future generations are not lost as he nearly was. He trains new initiates, passing on the lessons of both survival and discipline, ensuring that the mistakes of the past are not repeated.

Though he never became the warrior some might have expected, Gaarevge has carved his own path—a guardian of wisdom, a protector of tradition, and a living testament to the resilience of the Jedi Order.

The "Wookiee rookie" has long since outgrown his nickname. Now, he is simply Gaarevge, Jedi of Ossus.

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