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Kumara Ileioka

Kumara Ileioka
Branch: Jedi Sentinel

Primary Path
: Watchman

Master(s): Vron Sheffield, Riley Ileioka
Padawan(s): Caeli'hongar
, Yashata Jatix
Species: Twi'lek
Homeworld: Ryloth

Age: 39

Skin Color: Yellow
Eye Color: Brown


Kumara was born into slavery, her parents indentured to a Hutt. She lived happily however, their benefactor was mostly kind and fair, even in private situations favoring and doting on Kumara as if a niece.
Kumara served for a few years of her early childhood as a cupbearer during her benefactor's events and business dealings. She was discovered by an exiled Jedi who had devoted their life to collecting force sensitive artifacts and documents and come to deal with her Hutt master, eventually Kumara becoming part of the transaction.
Kumara became his assistant and student, where she learned to hone her abilities and develop her skills in the force, by her tenth name day she had visited many systems and studied even more, as well as becoming remarkably adept and fluent with new languages.
She had progressed well throughout her time with her original master, enjoying her travelling life, yet lacked much true practical aptitude with certain force techniques, despite very good theoretical knowledge. By this time Kumara had developed a kindhearted yet headstrong personality, with an open minded and sympathetic attitude towards others.
Eventually before reaching adolescence the two resolved for Kumara to join the Jedi Order as her master had.

She was accepted after some time of serving and tests and was finally vested as a padawan of Master Vron, whom she studied under to improve her abilities, become more attuned and attentive to the tenents of living as a Jedi under the code as well as aiding her master and his group to collect knowledge and artifacts for a restoration project.
During a time when Kumara was close to becoming knighted after her trials, she lost her Master, as well as many of the Jedi aiding the restoration effort when their enclave ship, The Constellation, disappeared; temporarily stranded and alone she took to travelling to try to return to Tython, eventually ending up on Ryloth.
On Ryloth she became fascinated and enamoured by the history and culture of her people. In stark reality to her life of travel and discipline, she found acceptance and a home among her ancestral clan in their citadel. Her outlook on her role as a Jedi changed and her training skills blunted; finding new meaning as she studied the faith of the Goddess, instead opting to become Chee-Kiva, warrior priestess for her clan. After her brief years as a lead member of her clan and with possible galactic war looming again she resolved to return to Tython, feeling she had a responsibility and owed it to her people and burgeoning family to help provide peace, stability.
She stayed for many months there, becoming fascinated and enamored with the history and cultures of her people, even being drawn into religious aspects of her heritage. Lodging with her ancestral clan’s citadel she studied her faith in the goddess, her training as a jedi blunted as she fell more and more in love with her kin, elected as a clan leader whilst training to become a priestess.
Eventually, after months of being away, spending her days practicing more spiritual aspects of her people she bartered passage from a mercenary ship, hoping to eventually find her way back to Tython to resume her training and back to the path of the Jedi.Upon returning to the Order as part of the Academy of Kaleth she was Knighted and took on two padawans, Coilla and Caeli’hongar, whom trained with her on her posting as a Watchman for Ryloth. She served for many years in her post and as part of the academy training others. During her service she became a highly experienced and proficient Jedi Watchman, participating in many of the conflicts, performing exceptionally. She was renowned for her skills in overcoming greater opposing forces and resourcefulness yet also for her friendly amicable demeanor and humble, reserved nature.

Throughout her Knightship she remain a vocal critic of the Council and some of their practises, eventually electing to pursue solitude in her duty, only returning after the dissolution of the Academy of Kaleth, joining the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV, after reaching a dire transmission from Master Kinaya Jikiiti.

        • Kumara Ileioka survived the Destruction of the Yavin Four Jedi Academy.

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