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Luminas Si'nn

Kinaya Jikiiti & Luminas Si'nn
Branch: Jedi Guardian

Master(s): Kinaya Jikiiti
Species: Zabrak
Homeworld: Tatooine

Age: 24

Skin Color: Fair
Eye Color: Ocean Blue


Luminas parents were diplomats from Iridonia, when Luminas was born they were stationed on Tatooine. Luminas was a good natured child who had a “normal” upbringing by her loving parents up until the age of five.


Around the time when Luminas turned five her parents realized she was Force-sensitive. Fearing that they could not help Luminas to develop and control her powers and thusly fail to keep her safe they sought help from a local jedi enclave. The enclave agreed to take Luminas in and care for her and train her in the ways of the force. Luminas vaguely remember her parents, more like a distant faded dream of love and warmth. In fear of putting them at risk Luminas has never tried to contact them or find out more about them in any way.



As a youngling Luminas received most of her training from and elderly female zabrak Jedi knight from Iridonia whom she became very fond of. Her teacher managed to instil the values of calm and peace into Luminas. She also taught Luminas of zabrak traditions and she was the one who later took Luminas through the Rite of passage when she became of age and gave her the traditional zabrak facial tattoos.


In the enclave Luminas proved to be a determined and strong willed student with a talent for the martial side of the Jedi teachings. She was however also a humble and somewhat shy student and never sought to be the centre of attention, preferring to quietly soak up all the knowledge she could without drawing attention to herself.


She quickly took to the notion of jedi as protectors and therefore naturally adopted the defensive Form III Soresu as her main saber form. She did however in time take note of the disadvantages of the form and complemented it mainly with techniques from Form V Shien/Djem-So if a situation required it she would be able to adapt to it. She also strives to complement with moves from other forms to try and become a skilled and versatile fighter.



Luminas remained for some years at the Tatooine enclave before traveling to Tython for further training.She was taken in by Wardens of the Republic with the help of a human jedi knight and was later taken on as a padawan by the grandmaster of that same enclave.Training went well for a time and Luminas attended classes and went on missions both alone and with her master.


But then the enclave started to fall apart from some to Luminas unknown threat, some said they were betrayed from within but the facts remains unknown to Luminas. She was told by her master to go into hiding until further notice. Luminas returned to Tatooine and lived in seclusion in the harsh environment there. After spending well over a year alone in hiding and her master had still failed to turn up Luminas eventually decided to return to Tython to try and learn more of what had happened.


She failed to learn more than that the enclave had dissolved and its members had scattered.


While pondering what to do next she was approached by Master Jikiiti of The Yavin Academy who probably sensed the confusion in Luminas and asked if she would like to join their enclave. Thinking the matter over carefully Luminas finally decided to take a chance and trust the seemingly friendly master and join the enclave.



Though Luminas felt a bit unsure around so many people after her long time in isolation she eventually started to feel at home in the Yavin four academy.

Her studies progressed and she is eager to prove her worth.


After some time at the academy Master Kinaya Jikiiti took Luminas on as a padawan and it was one of the proudest days in the life of Luminas.

She also has made some friends and mentors at the academy so at the moment things are progressing nicely.

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