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N'Tell Narianda

Branch: Jedi Consular
Species: Human
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Age: 17
Skin Color: Fair
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Red
Growing up in the slums of Nar Shaada isn't always the best thing. Specially if your mother was a entainer in a cantina in the poorest part of the world. She never knew her father. Some would guess he was nothing more then one of the clientells of the cantina, but her mother always said that:
"He was one of the strongest, and the most righteous peson she had ever known.''
It made N'Tell smile, knowing that there were Righteous people still in a world of this caliber.
At the age of 7 her mother was murdered, she never knew why. Only that one of her entertainer colleuge and close friend a Twi'lek, stopped by and told her the news. After that, her world fell over. She had no where to go, neither place to live. The first year was hard, scavenging the dumpster most of the days to get food, the few scraps that wasn't rotten was soon gone from the other orphans, or homless people. Sometimes, the Twi'lek that had been a friend of her mom, would come and secretly give her food. She had to adapt, and that she did. Some would say thanks to the force sensetivity it didnt take long until she had learned the art of what some in a distant would call Parkour.
Stealing wasn't something she wanted to do, but when you need to survive, that is what you did. She understood quickly, that if you stole something. The smugglers, barters or black markets would buy it, or trade it for food. At first, she cried. Knowing that what she was doing wasn't right. It wasn't how it should be, she felt evil. Stealing from others.. After a while, it was just as easy as breathing. She could see that, for some. Doing something like that would bring them good.
N'Tell, wasnt much of a talker, there wasn't much to talk about, but she would lisen. Hearing stories of different worlds, of the empire and republic. People seemed to not care about strays like N'Tell, she was nothing in their eyes, just like dust on the street corner.
The balance of power of the Hutts. People would discuss about overtrowing them, or philosophy that if Hutts would end, Nar Shaada would crumble. She would see people go missing forever, it was like a regular monday. That is how the world works.
Three years later, the Twi'lek that used to give her food sometimes, was caught. She had managed to sneak food from the cantina to N'Tell, and ended up being killed. It was hard, the only good thing in this world of darkness, was gone. She cried, for the first time in three years she cried. Crawling up in her little hidey hole that was just hers. And she promised, if she ever got strong, there would be a differnce in the world.
When she was sixteen and a half, she was running from one of the hired bodyguards of a merchant when she was seen by a watchmen of the Jedi, seeing N'Tell jumping higher then a human maybe should, her fast reflexes in turning corners or vault over building.. He saw something, confronting N'Tell later, the man understood she was force sensetive. She was just out of the age group that was accepted, but he did not want to leave her alone in this world. If not with right training, something or someone, would in the end find her, and maybe turn her for the worse.
He Explained about being a Jedi, saying they stood for goodness, and knowledge. N'Tell did not speak so much, she did as she used too listen, and what she heard she could not believe. A place to train, to make a difference in this world. She remembered her mother. The Twi'lek that had helped her, the goodness in the world of chaos and darkness.
She agreed to travel, to see if the Academy would take her in. N'Tell, is a quiet person, not so shy but nervous. It takes time to warm up, and she is not used to talking or many people seeing her.
It is a new start for her, a new beginning.
Hopefully a great one...
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