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Cédran Faol'hun

Branch: Jedi Guardian

Master(s): Jaleer Jasuni
Species: Echani
Homeworld: Echan

Age: 26

Skin Color: Pale
Eye Color: Silver
Hair Color:


"Apologies, friend. Would you care for a free fortune telling? Compliments of mother Luna." ~ Cèdran to Luminas Si'nn.

Known by few, Cèdran Fao'lhun is an initiate at the Jedi Academy of Yavin 4. Born on Eshan, raised on Tython, Cèdran is a Jedi peacekeeper and loyal worshipper of the Echani deity known simply as 'Mother Luna'. 

Ever friendly and polite, Cèdran tries desperately to be the perfect Jedi. He's driven to bring honor to his Echani legacy. Being the son of a gentle-hearted and noble warrior, he does his very best to follow in his father's footsteps. Even though he holds a seemingly flawless facade, his Echani ferocity sometimes gets the better of him, allowing his dark side to show. Having a strong distaste for evil, his own good nature is hanging from a thread, as his passion could lead a desolate road to the dark side.


Cédran was born an only child to a widowed mother on the planet of Eshan. Growing up, his mother always told stories of the gentle-hearted, yet immensely skilled warrior and priest of the Echani deity know as mother Luna, that was his father Gendhrick Fao'lhun. Gendhrick was a Jedi and had been killed by a Sith Lord on an Imperial spacecraft. His body was never recovered as the ship had been destroyed by the Republic Fleet. And so, Cédran committed every day of his earliest years in existence to the worship of mother Luna.

Years go by and young Cédran gets old enough to be recruited into the Jedi Order. As the boy showed signs of Force sensitivity, a Jedi Master soon arrived to his mother's doorstep. He called himself Rhaze, a Miraluka with silvery-white hair and a bright blue cloth tied around his head to cover his eyes, or in this case, lack there of.

The Miraluka introduced himself as a Jedi Master, most adept in teaching the Echani as he himself was an immensely skilled saber fencer and acrobat. Cédran's mother thought it safe to hand over her child to this stranger as she sensed something oddly familiar in the man...

Cédran's years in the temple were spent training strenuously every day to rival even a master, such as Rhaze, in a duel. He became skilled at using the force to compliment his own physical speed and strength as well as his skills in fencing. In other words, he'd learned to use the force to make himself faster and stronger, which proved useful in many a battle. In addition to his jedi training, he'd secretly been studying up on echani traditions and lore in his spare time.

He'd get well versed enough to become a genuine priest of this "mother Luna", were he to actually wish it.

As fate would have it, Cédran and Rhaze's Padawan-Master relationship was not meant to be. Rhaze was fatally wounded in a duel with a Sith Inquisitor. On his deathbed Rhaze finally revealed himself to have been Cédran's fabled father, Gendhrick, the whole time. This moved Cédran to tears. He hunched over his father and laid his head onto Gendhrick's chest, salty tears of bitter sorrow falling onto the man's bloody robes.

A question was troubling him as he took his father's barely breathing body into one final loving embrace:-


"Why? Why hide all these years and decide to reveal yourself now? Now, when it is already too late."


Unwilling, or unable, to answer his son's final question, Gendhrick merely smiled. A smile, that could only be translated into fatherly pride. Tears welled up in the dying man's eyes as he clutched the bright blue cloth in his hand. As he drew his final breath, he handed the rag, a personal token he'd had on him every single day for the last seventeen years, to his broken and confused son. Tears running down his face, Cédran looked at the piece of cloth in his hand. He thought of what it represented - valiance, honor, pride and the tears dried up. He tied the band around his head, a new objective on his horizon - redemption. He'd redeem the honor of his father, of his family, not by taking revenge on the sith. No. He'd find redemption through the force and through prayer. He'd become the greatest jedi priest the galaxy has ever seen.


He'd become.. The wolf.. Of Eshan.

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