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Drasli Khaar

Drasli Khaar
Branch: Jedi Guardian

Primary Path: Lore Keeper

Master(s): Ca-Dui Na
Species: Human
Homeworld: Naboo

Age: 43

Skin Color: Fair
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color:


Drasli was a very studious, high-achieving student. He tried his best to excel in all possible areas and craves for knowledge. He is respectable and usually tends to talk with very long-winded sentences to clearly define his thought process.


He does not wish to be misrepresented because of a poor choice of diction. He finds peace in meditation and reading, and can often be found doing either.

Despite the large amounts of time he might spend indoors, he prefers being outside, feeling the wind on his face and feeling more connected with nature.


Drasli has a sense of humor, although it may be hard to find in his speech. He is playful, creative, and intelligent, all traits garnished over the time at the Jedi Temple.


He does have some raw emotion that breaks through sometimes, mainly when talking about his brother. In time though, he knows he will be able to control that emotion. He just needs time for healing and meditation, and to be away from all the darkness that has plagued him.


Drasli Khaar did not have a very easy upbringing, despite his positive demeanor and calm appareance. At the age of two, his parents were killed by unknoown assailants. He survived only due to quick thinking from his adopted brother, who was five at the time. His brother, Arran, took the young Drasli during the attack and hid with him less than a mile away from their parents estate. Together they hid in a large bush near crossroads on Naboo.

They were saved by the man whom Drasli would come to call Master, Tramash Rhen. Tramash took the two young children to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.Spending most of his time studying and meeting his Master's standards at the Temple, Drasli was raised from a child into a young adult. He met several people whom he come to know as friends, but was especially close with his brother. It was during a mission that changed Drasli's life forever. Tramash Rhen took the two students to Republic base camp a few miles south of an Imperial outpost. The mission was simple: Take over the outpost and establish connection with the Republic Fleet. They did so with ease. However, under the cover of darkness the Sith attacked and the Republic forces, including Drasil, Tramash, and Arran, were forced to flee. Blocking incoming blaster fire to protect his brother, Arran was left behind and taken as a prisoner of war. Drasli thought he had lost his brother forever, and mourned for him back at the Temple, despite the Masters telling him otherwise.His mood at the Temple had changed dramatically. He had begun to eat less and less, and spent a lot of his time cooped up in his room.

However, in time, and with help from his Master, Drasli went back to his studies and continued his training. That was when the Sith attacked. Drasli made it out with a few other students accompanied by a Master, but not without first seeing his Master, Tramash Rhen, struck down by a hooded assailant that turned out to be his brother. Drasli was forced to clash blades against his brother, something he had not done outside of a friendly spar. It was terrifying, and Arran proved to once again be the superior fighter. Drasli was on the ground, his lightsaber ignited. He let his brother do what he wished. Arran simply stared at him behind fiery eyes, and after a few moments, told Drasli to go. He did so, regretably. Drasli felt for the second time, he had turned his back on his brother and let him fall even further into darkness.When his shuttle landed at a temporary Jedi outpost, Drasli felt like a changed person. He tried using that time to meditate and heal using techniques his Master had taught him, but nothing seemed to work quite like it used to. Instead, he mainly kept to himself, and kept quiet. Time passed, and Drasli was ordered by the Masters at the outpost to relocate to the Yavin 4 temple, where he still resides today.

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