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Ca-Dui Na

Ca-Dui Na
Branch: Jedi Consular

Primary Path: Lead Lore Keeper

Master(s): Asti O'ka
Padawan Learner(s): Oeo Rel Dam, Nad Maluga, Drasli Khaar
Species: Sephi
Homeworld: Thustra

Age: 103 ―  † 

Skin Color: Lavender
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Gray


A brilliant yet insufferably arrogant Jedi Sentinel, Ca-Dui Na was a master of history, ancient artifacts, and forgotten languages. His sharp intellect and cutting wit made him both admired and exasperating, but beneath his condescension lay a deep love for knowledge and discovery. As the first Lore


Keeper of the Yavin IV Academy, he meticulously preserved Jedi wisdom, ensuring future generations would learn from the past. His relentless curiosity led him to explore the hidden depths of the Force, though his life ended suddenly in a tragic speeder accident—an ironic fate for a man known for his meticulous precision.


Despite his flaws, his legacy endures in the archives he built, inspiring Jedi scholars to this day.


A Scholar, A Sentinel, A Legend

Among the founding Jedi of the Yavin IV Academy, none were quite as enigmatic—or as infuriating—as Ca-Dui Na. A Sephi Jedi Sentinel, he was a man of contradictions: brilliant yet arrogant, insightful yet dismissive, distant yet deeply passionate about the mysteries of the Force. As the Academy’s first Lore Keeper, he dedicated his life to uncovering the hidden histories of the galaxy, meticulously preserving knowledge so that future Jedi might learn from the past. His contributions were immeasurable, but his sharp tongue and superiority complex often tested the patience of those around him.

Though often regarded as an academic elitist, those who knew Ca-Dui Na well recognized the depth of his devotion—not just to knowledge, but to the very pursuit of truth. Beneath his often condescending exterior lay a man driven by an insatiable curiosity, a seeker of hidden wisdom, and a Jedi whose childlike wonder for discovery remained undimmed throughout his life.

Early Life and Jedi Training

Ca-Dui Na was born on the world of Thustra, home to the Sephi—a long-lived species known for their refinement, intellect, and artistry. From an early age, he displayed an extraordinary aptitude for languages, history, and logic puzzles, often frustrating his tutors with his incessant need to challenge authority and question long-held assumptions. His noble lineage instilled in him a sense of poise and discipline, but also a degree of arrogance that would remain with him throughout his life.

Discovered by the Jedi Order, Ca-Dui Na was taken to Coruscant, where his intellectual brilliance quickly became apparent. His training, however, was anything but smooth. Though undeniably gifted, he often exasperated his instructors with his tendency to correct them, his lack of patience for those he deemed slow-witted, and his sharp wit that bordered on cruel at times.

He trained under Master Asti O’ka, a Jedi whose wisdom and philosophical depth made her both a mentor and a frequent adversary in debates. Though they clashed often—Ca-Dui Na finding Asti too sentimental, and she finding him too detached—their bond was undeniable. Asti recognized the potential in her pupil, and despite his arrogance, she admired his relentless pursuit of understanding.

As a Padawan, Ca-Dui Na often sought the guidance of Az’u Fir’al, an esteemed Jedi Master known for his deep reverence for the ancient past. Under his influence, Ca-Dui developed a profound respect for lost civilizations, dedicating himself to the study of forgotten Force traditions. It was in Az’u Fir’al that he found not only a mentor but a kindred spirit—a scholar who, like himself, viewed knowledge as the key to true mastery of the Force.

The Yavin IV Academy and the Role of Lore Keeper

When the Jedi Council sought to establish the Yavin IV Academy, Ca-Dui Na’s inclusion was never in doubt. He was chosen alongside Nagikonas Tar, Siiie, Kyo Laa, and Tu Ku to help build the Academy’s foundations, particularly in matters of knowledge preservation. Some joked that his selection was as much a means of keeping him occupied as it was an acknowledgment of his unparalleled expertise.

Upon arriving on Yavin IV, Ca-Dui Na was immediately captivated by the ancient Massassi ruins. The deep currents of the Force that pulsed through the jungle world fascinated him, and he made it his mission to uncover every secret hidden within its overgrown temples. It was here that he took on the title of Lore Keeper, a role that suited him perfectly.

As the first Lore Keeper of the Academy, Ca-Dui Na meticulously preserved and cataloged holocrons, manuscripts, and artifacts. His archives became the intellectual heart of the temple, a place where Jedi from across the galaxy came to study and expand their understanding of the Force. His rigorous organization and obsessive attention to detail ensured that no scrap of information was lost. His passion, however, bordered on obsession—he would often spend days lost in research, forgetting to eat or sleep in pursuit of a single elusive truth.

Though often difficult to work with, Ca-Dui Na’s impact on the Academy was undeniable. He worked closely with Arushi Juk, a Jedi whose humility and practicality grounded his more arrogant tendencies. Though they bickered frequently, theirs was a friendship built on mutual respect, Arushi teaching Ca-Dui that true wisdom was not just in knowing but in serving. He also confided in Siiie, one of the few Jedi he considered an intellectual equal, sharing his dreams and fears with her when no one else was listening.

Despite his superior attitude, Ca-Dui Na had a softer side that few ever saw. He found joy in small discoveries—a weathered inscription on a forgotten statue, the feel of ancient parchment beneath his fingers, the thrill of solving a centuries-old riddle. These moments revealed the man beneath the scholar: a Jedi whose greatest love was not power or prestige, but the sheer wonder of the unknown.

The Sudden and Senseless End

For all his knowledge and caution, Ca-Dui Na’s life ended not in battle or by the hand of an ancient curse, but in the most mundane of tragedies. One morning, while preparing to visit a nearby archaeological site, he borrowed a speeder from the Academy’s hangar. Witnesses later recalled that he had been particularly distracted that day, eager about some new revelation he had found in the archives. Perhaps his mind was elsewhere, already lost in thought.

Moments after departure, the speeder’s power core malfunctioned, resulting in an explosion that engulfed Ca-Dui Na in fire and debris. By the time help arrived, nothing remained but scorched wreckage. The Academy was stunned—how could a man known for precision and foresight meet such a meaningless end? Some whispered of mechanical failure, others of dark energies on Yavin IV conspiring against him. But in the end, there was no grand mystery to solve—only a tragic accident that took one of the Jedi Order’s brightest minds far too soon.

Legacy of the Lore Keeper

Though Ca-Dui Na’s life was cut short, his legacy endured. The archives he built remained the foundation of the Academy’s intellectual pursuits, shaping generations of Jedi scholars. His notes, filled with both profound insights and scathing commentary, became required reading for future Lore Keepers, who viewed his work as both inspiration and cautionary tale.

His fellow founders mourned him deeply. Nagikonas Tar dedicated a memorial plaque in the Academy’s archives, inscribed with one of his favorite sayings: “Knowledge is not a weapon, but a door. Open it wisely.” Kyo Laa, his longtime philosophical rival, found herself unexpectedly shaken by his passing, reflecting on their countless debates with newfound reverence. Arushi Juk, ever pragmatic, simply sighed and said, “He was impossible—but he was ours.”

Some claim that his presence lingers in the archives, a whisper in the Force for those who seek knowledge with the same relentless passion he once had. Others say that on quiet nights, the faint sound of an explosion echoes through the halls—a reminder of the Jedi whose brilliance burned too brightly, only to be extinguished too soon.

Yet in every holocron he cataloged, in every manuscript he preserved, in every Jedi who dares to ask ‘why’—Ca-Dui Na lives on. A sentinel of knowledge, a keeper of secrets, and a legend whose greatest discovery may still lie ahead, waiting to be uncovered by those brave enough to seek it.

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