Asti O'ka

Branch: Jedi Sentinel
Primary Path: Jedi Weapons Master
Padawan Learner(s): Kyo Laa, Ca-Dui Na, Nagikonas Tar, Siiie, Tu Ku
Species: Bothan
Homeworld: Bothawui
Skin Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
A Bothan Jedi with sharp instincts and sharper flaws, Asti O’ka was once considered one of the most promising Jedi Masters of his generation. Known for his intense charisma, pragmatic teachings, and dangerous unpredictability, Asti's skill in the Force was rivaled only by his inner demons. His greatest legacy, however, was not his own achievements but the students he shaped—The First Five: Siiie, Nagikonas Tar, Ca-Dui Na, Kyo Laa, and Tu Ku. These five extraordinary Jedi, trained together under Asti’s tutelage, would each go on to become founding members of the Yavin IV Academy, leaving an indelible mark on Jedi history.
Yet despite his brilliance, Asti’s downfall was as inevitable as it was tragic. His battle with alcoholismslowly consumed him, leading to a series of bad decisions that culminated in his untimely death. For many, Asti O’ka remains a haunting reminder that even those with the greatest potential are not immune to their own failings.
The Training of the First Five
The Force works in mysterious ways, and never was this clearer than in the unlikely union of Siiie, Nagikonas Tar, Kyo Laa, Tu Ku, and Ca-Dui Na. While each came from different worlds and walked different paths, they were bound together by the same teacher: Asti O’ka. Despite his personal flaws, Asti was unrivaled in his ability to see potential in his students. He recognized the immense power within each of the five apprentices and pushed them beyond their limits, forcing them to confront their weaknesses and build a camaraderie that would define their futures.
Asti’s teaching style was brutal and unorthodox. He emphasized experience over dogma, throwing the five apprentices into field missions and real-world challenges far earlier than most Jedi Masters would have dared. He was convinced that true Jedi were forged not in the safety of the temple, but in the heat of conflict and uncertainty. This belief sent the First Five on a series of missions that would shape them, and sometimes nearly break them.
Missions of the First Five
The Vaults of Bal’Shan – A Test of Unity
One of their earliest missions took them to the Vaults of Bal’Shan, an ancient ruin on an isolated moon, rumored to house dangerous relics of the dark side. Asti knew the apprentices needed to trust each other implicitly if they were to succeed as Jedi, so he deliberately gave them no instructions beyond “find the source of the disturbance.”
The mission nearly ended in disaster. Ca-Dui Na’s arrogance clashed with Siiie’s practicality, and Nagikonas Tar, ever calm and disciplined, grew frustrated with their bickering. At a critical moment, they activated a trap that unleashed a swarm of shadow wraiths, forcing them to fight together or die. The five apprentices only survived by combining their strengths, and the bonds they forged during that battle would shape their friendship for the rest of their lives.
Negotiations on Cyran III – Diplomacy on the Edge of War
On Cyran III, Asti sent the group to broker a fragile peace between two rival factions on the brink of war. Tu Ku’s skills as an ambassador played a crucial role, but even his silver tongue could not prevent tensions from escalating. The situation boiled over into an armed conflict, and the apprentices were forced to navigate a city under siege, protecting civilians while trying to reignite negotiations.
Kyo Laa’s insightful mediation brought a crucial breakthrough, and Tu Ku followed up by crafting a truce between the factions. The experience taught the apprentices the importance of both diplomacy and vigilance—a lesson that each would carry into their futures.
The Siege of Skaross – The Shadow of the Dark Side
During a mission on the planet Skaross, the First Five confronted their greatest challenge yet: a rogue Sith cult, hidden in the planet’s underworld. Asti O’ka led them into battle, but things quickly spiraled out of control when the cult unleashed an ancient Force storm, overwhelming the apprentices.
In the chaos, Nagikonas Tar saved the group by single-handedly holding off the cult’s leader, buying enough time for Kyo Laa and Siiie to counter the storm’s energy. Ca-Dui Na, meanwhile, discovered a hidden artifact within the cult’s lair—one that would haunt him for the rest of his life. The battle marked the apprentices' first brush with true darkness, and though they prevailed, they left Skaross with a newfound sense of caution and the weight of lives lost in battle.
Asti O’ka’s Decline
While his students grew stronger and closer with each mission, Asti O’ka began to unravel. Known for drinking to unwind, his habit escalated over time, turning from a vice into an addiction. After years of constant stress and dangerous missions, alcohol became the only way he could cope with the emotional toll of his role. Though his apprentices tried to reach out and help, Asti pushed them away, unwilling to show weakness.
By the time the First Five were ready to become fully-fledged Jedi, Asti’s drinking had already alienated him from the Order. Though the Council offered him support, Asti’s pride refused to let him admit he had a problem. He withdrew from the Jedi Temple, spending more time in seedy cantinas than in meditation chambers, and his relationship with his students became increasingly strained.
Each of the First Five went on to become exceptional Jedi in their own right—but they never forgot the man who had trained them, even as they watched him fall further into self-destruction.
The Tragic End
Asti O’ka’s death was as abrupt and senseless as his decline. One night, after a long evening of drinking, he borrowed an old transport speeder to return to his quarters on Coruscant. The speeder, poorly maintained and barely functional, malfunctioned mid-flight and crashed into a fuel depot, triggering a massive explosion that left no survivors.
For many Jedi, the tragedy of Asti’s death was not the accident itself, but the waste of potential—a brilliant mind and skilled teacher undone by his own demons. The First Five were devastated by the news, knowing that the man who had guided them through the most formative years of their liveshad met such an ignoble end. Nagikonas Tar, always stoic, remarked only that “Asti was the brightest star we ever followed, and the first to burn out.”
Legacy of the Fallen Master
Though Asti O’ka’s life ended in tragedy, his legacy lived on through Siiie, Nagikonas Tar, Ca-Dui Na, Kyo Laa, and Tu Ku. Each of the First Five carried a piece of their master with them, shaping the way they taught, fought, and lived as Jedi. Siiie embodied Asti’s practicality and resourcefulness, while Nagikonas Tar mirrored his discipline and resolve. Kyo Laa inherited her master’s curiosity and fascination with the Force’s mysteries, and Ca-Dui Na carried forward Asti’s passion for knowledge, even if it made him difficult to bear. Finally, Tu Ku embraced his master’s ideals of diplomacy and unity, though he never forgot the risks of letting personal demons go unchecked.
Though Asti O’ka’s name faded from official records, the First Five kept his memory alive in their own way. In private moments, they would reminisce about his sharp wit, his unconventional lessons, and the rare times when he showed them a glimpse of the gentle, caring mentor beneath the sarcasm.
In the end, Asti O’ka’s story became both an inspiration and a warning—a reminder that even the greatest Jedi can be undone by their own weaknesses, but that the legacy of teaching and friendship can endure long after the master is gone.