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Tu Ku

Tu Ku
Branch: Jedi Consular

Primary Path: Lead Ambassador

Master(s): Asti O'ka
Padawan Learner(s): Shatine Delacroix
Species: Rodian
Homeworld: Rodia

Age: 40 ― †

Skin Color: Dark Green
Eye Color: Black


Tu Ku was a Rodian Jedi Consular and master diplomat who co-founded the Yavin IV Academy alongside Nagikonas Tar. Known for his unwavering belief in peace, he used wisdom and negotiation to resolve conflicts rather than a lightsaber.


A gifted mediator, Tu Ku played a crucial role in shaping the Academy’s philosophy, forging alliances, and spreading the Jedi's message of harmony. His life was dedicated to diplomacy, and his tragic death on a peace mission cemented his legacy as a beacon of understanding and hope within the Jedi Order.


A Humble Beginning on Rodia

Born on the vibrant planet of Rodia, Tu Ku grew up in a world of political intrigue and clan rivalries. Despite Rodia’s history of conflict, Tu Ku rejected the culture of violence that surrounded him. From an early age, he exhibited a natural talent for diplomacy, often mediating disputes among his peers. His keen sense of justice and empathy caught the attention of Jedi seekers who recognized his strong connection to the Force.

Taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Tu Ku excelled as a Padawan under the tutelage of a seasoned Jedi Consular. While others focused on lightsaber combat, Tu Ku dedicated himself to understanding people, cultures, and the delicate balance of power. His skill in negotiation, combined with his mastery of the Jedi mind trick—not as a means of coercion, but as a tool to guide understanding—set him apart.

From Jedi Knight to Consular Ambassador

Upon his knighthood, Tu Ku embraced the path of a Jedi Consular, committing himself to diplomacy and peacekeeping. As an ambassador of the Jedi Order, he traveled to some of the most war-torn regions of the galaxy, bringing his gift of mediation to planets on the brink of destruction. His ability to connect with diverse beings and defuse volatile situations made him one of the Order’s most valued peacekeepers.

“A lightsaber must be your last weapon,” he would often say. “Peace cannot grow in the shadow of fear.”

His diplomatic missions took him across the galaxy, from settling clan disputes on Iridonia to brokering trade agreements between feuding noble houses on Alderaan. Tu Ku’s name became synonymous with Jedi diplomacy, and his presence alone often de-escalated conflicts before they turned violent.

Building the Academy on Yavin IV

When the Jedi Council sought to establish a new Academy on the jungle moon of Yavin IV, they needed more than warriors—they needed visionaries who could create a sanctuary for wisdom and peace. Tu Ku eagerly joined the effort, becoming one of the Academy’s founding members alongside Nagikonas Tar, Ca-Dui Na, Siiie, and Kyo Laa.

While Nagikonas focused on security and the formation of the Temple Guard, Tu Ku was tasked with shaping the Academy’s role as a center for diplomacy and cultural exchange. He reached out to planetary leaders, scholars, and Force-sensitive beings across the galaxy, inviting them to share their wisdom. His vision was to create an institution that didn’t just train Jedi but fostered understanding between civilizations.

Tu Ku and Nagikonas, despite their differences, formed a strong partnership. The Rodian Consular’s gregarious nature contrasted with the reserved and introspective Nagikonas, yet they shared a fundamental belief in the Jedi as protectors of peace. Their friendship became one of mutual respect—Nagikonas ensured the Academy remained safe, while Tu Ku ensured it remained open to the wider galaxy.

The Tragedy of the Ithullian Peace Mission

One of Tu Ku’s most important diplomatic efforts was the Ithullian conflict, a brutal civil war among the insectoid Ixllik species. Dispatched by the Jedi Council, Tu Ku traveled with a small delegation to mediate between the warring factions. He believed that trust was the foundation of diplomacy, and against the advice of his fellow Jedi, he refused to bring an armed escort.

For days, Tu Ku worked tirelessly, meeting with leaders on both sides, listening to grievances, and guiding discussions toward compromise. The war seemed close to ending, with a treaty prepared to be signed. But on the eve of peace, a radical faction launched a surprise attack, hoping to sabotage the negotiations and reignite the war.

Amidst the chaos, Tu Ku threw himself in front of one of the leaders, shielding them from blaster fire. Mortally wounded, he reached out through the Force, sending his final message not in words, but in emotions—urgency, unity, and the plea for peace. His sacrifice did not go unnoticed. The leaders, moved by his selflessness, put down their weapons and signed the treaty, ending the war that had plagued their people for decades.

A Legacy of Wisdom and Hope

Tu Ku’s death sent shockwaves through the Jedi Order and the Yavin IV Academy. His closest friend, Nagikonas Tar, led the funeral ceremony beneath the ancient Massassi trees, placing Tu Ku’s lightsaber in the Academy’s Hall of Memories. “A guardian’s duty is to protect,” Nagikonas said, his voice heavy with grief. “And Tu Ku’s greatest protection was his gift of peace.”

His teachings continued to shape generations of Jedi Consulars, who studied his writings on negotiation, cultural understanding, and the ethics of power. The phrase “A lightsaber must be your last weapon” became a guiding mantra among Jedi diplomats, a reminder that their first duty was to prevent conflict, not to win it.

To this day, Jedi who follow the path of diplomacy honor Tu Ku’s legacy by using green kyber crystals in their lightsabers, symbolizing the ideals of wisdom and peace that defined his life. His name is still spoken with reverence across the galaxy, not as a warrior, but as a bridge between worlds and a light in the darkest moments of conflict.

Though Tu Ku perished far from home, his spirit endures in the Academy he helped build and the peace he gave his life to protect. His story is a testament to every Jedi that the greatest victories are not won with a blade, but with compassion, courage, and understanding.

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