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Telsatta Sakarr

Telsatta Sakarr
Branch: Jedi Sentinel

Primary Path: Combat Instructor

Master(s): Trengel, Ivorac Yinnin
Padawan Learner(s): Anna'liel, Rhukio
Species: Miraluka
Homeworld: Alderaan

Age: 39

Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color:


"One who is true with her spirit." ~ Aso'tendal.

Eccentric would probably be the best word to describe this Jedi. Her cold, neutral exterior would sometimes betray a warm heart within, and while she would not tolerate idiocy among an enclave's students she was known to be much kinder to those who had proven themselves and got to know her a little better, even displaying a very subtle, sarcastic sense of humour.


For none was this more true than her partner Aitaly Sakarr, from whom she was almost inseparable. Despite her calm demeanour though, she was nevertheless prone to explosive outbursts.

An adept duellist, she was mastered in the Ataru form of lightsaber combat, her small frame enabling her to utilise the acrobatic aspects of the form to their fullest. Wielding a double-bladed lightsaber, she was known to have a vicious offense and liked to throw a few curveballs to catch her opponent off-guard, indeed relying on such techniques.


As a knight she began to master electric judgement, often surprising opponents with it who would not be expecting such things. As she aged she also began to weaponise her strong knowledge of telekinetics.

She despised cantinas and anything involving some form of luck, however was very partial to almost any form of alcohol.


"A peculiar, but none-the-less a capable Jedi Master." ~ Jerris Writte.


Telsatta's early life before being brought before the Jedi was troubled, but not much is known, with even the official records offering little on why she left Alderaan. What is known is that she spent the early part of her apprenticeship making peace with what had happened.

Once this was dealt with, however, she progressed quickly, and befriended two fellow Padawans, Aitaly and a Lethan Twi'lek whose name is lost to history. A bout of recklessness while rescuing the latter from the clutches of Darth Xirritus resulted in both Telsatta and Aitaly losing part of their right arms, only to find that the Twi'lek had not been captured at all, having gone willingly. Their resolve steeled, and lessons learned, they swiftly progressed to knighthood, by which point the bond between the two was unmistakeable, along with the presence of something deeper. Doubts were raised, but with the blessing of the enclave's council a healthy relationship formed, and the pair married at Telsatta's mountain retreat on Alderaan.

"The person that kept me together even during the darkest times when my thoughts were in outer space" - Anna'liel.

At the same time, Telsatta took on a particularly troublesome Padawan, Anna'liel. This wayward girl would develop a strong bond with her master, and dissatisfaction with the Jedi as a whole would lead them to break away and form a rogue faction on Myrkr, a world bathed in the Force, with a neutral and pragmatic dogma, but still ultimately aligned with the Republic, with Telsatta and Aitaly forming the enclave's council with a few other rogue Jedi - Masters Thesos, Marrie and Aso'tendal. Anna'liel would eventually prove too unstable for the life of a Jedi, departing for space unknown after several years of perseverance. Another Padawan emerged shortly afterwards, a Miraluka named Rhukio, who had a considerably greater degree of success but disappeared during the Eternal Empire's invasion. Disheartened with this and with the destruction of their enclave, both Sakarrs retreated into exile at their estate on Alderaan.


As tensions started to escalate, the surviving members of the enclave re-established contact and returned to Myrkr, wishing to right the wrongs of the recent wars that had ravaged the galaxy. However, the futility of their efforts coupled with anti-Jedi sentiments began to wear them down, and with heavy hearts they returned to Alderaan, where they are believed to currently reside.

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